After an arrival drink and setting our watches to Panama time (GMT -5 hours) we all fell into bed only to be up a few short hours later at 06:30. We radioed for permission to manoeuvre in the anchorage so that we could raise the mainsail and genoa and check them for damage. With the boom tied off to one side we were concerned this might be difficult but it all went smoothly and we were very happy to find no damage to either sail. We headed into Shelter Bay Marina and moored alongside. Our first shock was to find that due to being 86’ instead of 85’ we were in the next price bracket and would have the pleasure of paying an eye-watering 70% more for our berth for those extra 12 inches. Heavy negotiations with the marina fell on deaf ears.
Halls Spars are flying someone in to check the rigging on Tuesday. There is no apparent damage but safer to be sure when we are about to cover so many thousands of miles. All other necessary parts are being sourced and so we are hoping our trip is still a go.