An overnight sail took us across to the next and largest archipelago of French Polynesia, the Society Islands which include Tahiti. We arrived in Bora Bora, the pearl of the South Seas, on 1st August and sailed through the Te Ava Nui pass marvelling at the luminously turquoise waters of the island’s famous lagoon which even gave a remarkable blue hue to the clouds above. The spectacular colours and dramatic scenery here are a testament to Bora Bora’s popularity.
Our first stop was at Vaitape, the main “town”, not the heaving tourist centre we expected although much busier than anything we have seen in the Marquesas or Tuamotus. We anchored for the night off Toopua Motu in what can only be described as “cruisers’ corner” but a gorgeous spot with a view of the striking Otemanu summit and perfectly situated to watch sunset across the reef.
Tomorrow we are hoping to take the cargo ship, Taporo, to a neighbouring Huahine. Somewhat different to a super yacht but it should be fun as it’s the local mode of transport between islands. It’s not possible to buy a ticket in advance so we have to be there when it arrives to secure one of the 12 places available for passengers.
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